When I was born.

 The nine levels of life are conditions of existence known as dynamics.

1. Self is all about you and your personal self—the inner you. Social self /hidden self self. 2. sex and family and childbirth. It could be a modern marriage. What happens at home stays at home mentality. 3. Larger group or family. 4. All humanity is living life. 5. Your body, his body, everyone's body as a body itself. A doctor does surgery on a body. Not Fred or Gennie. Every living complete biological body. A bear, a fish, a tick, a dog, a child.a tree, a flower. 6. All things we think are not as alive as biology. A rock, a star, a moon, a house. A home would be 3rd. 7. It is all thinking and logic, dreaming and ideas, religion, angels, devils, and God. We say The Devil to make it a 4th dynamic and more accurate. As Jesus is made real by eating the bread. 8. Is untouchable God. 9. Is God's God. Ect. This is a simple explanation. Like a body is more than its parts. Smaller parts and cumulative parts are doing combined things. Fire on its own will burn you, but on a stove, make a cake.

When I was born.

When I was born (First dynamic), I had just left paradise (Eighth dynamic)where I was king, and all did as they willed. There were 144,000,000 or so of them. I was asked by a (seventh dynamic)director, an angel of high regard, to come back to Earth one more time. I was told the world (fifth dynamic) had shifted once again. I was going to Insane as a total group(fourth dynamic/equally the fourth dynamic) of all nations in a direct confrontation over the ownership of the lands(Sixth dynamic). I would have helped. As we neared the funnel of human life, This director stopped me from entering and showed me My pair of Identical twins. When he entered the funnel, I was stopped and given a final command by my father God (of the eighth dynamic), a ruler on high but not the supreme one (9th dynamic). This was no limit being, and it was not a self-being; he was the 9th commander. My father, with many wives, had two sons who had become inseparable and opposites as a mirror of each other reflected in different lands. Mirror twins of each other. My Big Brothers Were Jesus and his mirror twin, the Devil. This is the basis of dualism.I was on my way to becoming a mirror Identical twin once again with the same being I had a twin with before. We would be mirror twins as well. An artist and music man. The months in the womb were difficult (second dynamic). We were born too fast after her last child's birth, eleven months, for we were to plash out. We later found it was called T to T to T of S. Twin To Twin Transfusion Syndrom. I was to be number two, he number one. His survival rate was one percent. Mine 10. When we were born, we lucked out and were born at Colman Hospital for women with labor troubles. There is a story about this wonderful hospital you can look up. Lonnie plashed out first Tiny and Blue. The doctors, those wonderful geniuses, took command and rushed him around doing this and that and saved him. A Black Lady would step forward and give him the life of a needed blood transfusion, saving him. Giving me a weak spot for Black women as mothers. My Mom told me she was yelling at the doctors, trying to get them, and telling them something else was wrong. She was still a teenager but a Leo and direct. Out splashed me, Donnie Harold Harris, her 4th son and seventh child of a teenage mom. She would turn twenty the next day. Ending her childbirths with a total of ten. Three girls and seven sons. Three of us were the same age for a month. My deceased brother Bobby was eleven months older than me. By the time I was born, my twin had been taken away for special treatment for 4 months and then to live with an Aunt and Uncle on my dad's side. I believed I had killed him. When we re-united, I was twenty-five percent larger than him. It would take 7 or 8 years before we were the same size. When I was born, we lived in the lowest form of poverty in the country. My Mom, at twenty-three, and my dad, at three years old, had ten kids and no trade. When I was born, we would move every few weeks, mostly at night. We spent 5 or 6 trips to the Marion County Children's Home for the poor. About a total of two years spent under the county's care (third dynamic). I was a baby for the first time. My dad a bible tooting preacher was now a guitar carring acholilic playing music in the honkey tonk bars. My Mom had a hard time with him. Booze drugs and Dogs. He became a sex addict of wild ways. With a married woman, his foray. And they were everywhere. Men struggle to provide, and women cheat for self-confidence. Sex in the fifties was a precursor for the sexual revolution of the '60s and the Instutilaise sex of the 70s. When I was 15, I went to 23-grade schools twice. meet 1000 or so kids and a hundred teachers. mostly wives of a lonely nature. But good teachers change each child's life for the better with education. recall they did not refuse to deal with any child for any reason. hey were the boss of the class, and we knew it. loved so many of those wife teachers. still recall dancing at a school dance with one of them. was eight years old and in love with a twenty-eight-year-old. t was heaven. recall it to this day. Along the way, I was molested By two male cousins on my dad's side. t Two different times. was forced from the alley bully teen into the back bedroom of a teenage boy and forced to do oral on him for asking why he was burning a large amount of unopened mail in his trash can. his would be my first encounter with the police. e said he was calling the police about me for stealing mail. rushed home after being paralyzed and told my Mom to hide me and that the police were after me. told her the whole story. hid under a bed in the bedroom when a loud knock happened at the front door. Mom talked to the police briefly, and I cracked the door open and looked out. he saved me. he later told me she had called the police but never said why. hen I was young, My Mom finally, with the help of her dad, got a divorce from my dad. e had to wait a long time because a law said so, so he had to remarry. His next wife was a child torcher, and we were torched. he did hundreds of horrible things to us, driving my Mom and sometimes dad very mad. he loved to bear our bottoms and whip us with raiser straps, the worst switches second, belts, and hands. e poured turpentine in our assholes. She would come into our bath at bath time and use the toilet, grossing us out and sometimes looking over our privates to make sure they were clean. W Ran away the first time when we were 10. B ck to the guardian's home we would go. I was better than home a thousand to one. There was only one monster there after all those times. My dad decided to marry her, so the court left him alone. By the way, My Dad, a street preacher, moved across from my Mom when she was already pregnant with my oldest brother. He was saving her, he said later. She was 14 he was 17. H moved up from ky to stay with his older brother Bob, who once told Lonnie and I, he was our dad and that we would get his estate at his death. We did not even get a funeral notice. The week Dad and Larry got married, it was easter weekend. Our first night at this new house was on a good Friday. First thing Saturday morning, we went outside but were commanded to not cross any street by Larry's name. We had no toys, no balls, and even marbles. So we kicked a can. We were nine. As we moved down the street, kicking it to each other, We discovered that the sidewalk opened onto a church parking lot. So, without crossing a street, we kicked the can in the church parking lot. Like a miracle, a door opened, and two popes or saints came walking toward us from the side of the church. It was a wonder about such a thing we had never seen. Lonnie and I were close to equal size then, but I still felt responsible for him. These two priests, dressed as saints or gods From The Sacred Heart Catholic Church, were decked in the best outfits. They yelled at us and took us by hand into the basement church after asking us why, on a Saturday morning, we were making so much noise. We said we were kicking a can for play. They then asked us if we had ever been bowling. Of course not; we were destitute. Our dad was an alcoholic bar-playing musician. We were lucky to get taken fishing, which was a treat to do something with Dad. They took us into the church and made us take off our shoes for the bowling alley. The priest noticed the holes in my socks and got me a new pair. Then my T-shirt was an issue, and I got a new T-shirt. Then he asked me if I had ever been looked over by a doctor. For ear, I said no. He asked me to remove my clothes and find my old underwear. I was told to remove them for a new pair. He had me turn around and bend over,r then He put his finger in my asshole. Then, something larger. At 71, I still am afraid to guess what it was. I got out with new socks, a T-shirt, and underwear. He got a freebie. I was distraught because they had separated Lonnie and me. We were unsighted and walked home. No one noticed the socks, t-shirt, or underwear. We got out alive. That one incident started a whirlwind of preteen and teenage sex. That foundation of the church doing it to me cemented God's will and direction for the next twenty years of our lives. Rape at 12 at a paper station twice with a Young Dick Lugar, Later mayor and U.S. Senature looking on. He was a Viowyler pedofhile. We Dick Lugar decide he might run for the White house I was scared for the children of the nation so I reported my encounter to the Local Indianapolis Police department. They almost arrested me. The Ohio theater where it would all begin one Sunday afternoon at 13 to A violent kidnapping and Rape at 15 by an Army Special Forces Sargent. I was almost murdered on this one. Again mirroring my first encounter, I called the police this time. After confronting my attractor, I was told, as I dropped my charges, that the police themselves had given my name and address to the perp. I was 15 and under age and threatening to kill my family; I went to Hollywood, ca. in The summer of 69 at Fifteen and became homeless and had 53 cents in my pocket. I went to work as a street walker. Turning down sex with men,y Meeting many. Charlie Manson Twice Turned down sex twice with Rock Hudson. I had just seen Zebra at Ice Station. His latest film. Five weeks later, I decided to trust going back home. I wanted to spend my birthday with my twin. I wanted to finish high school. I had several thousand in my pocket as I boarded the plane to Indianapolis. Still fifteen and more aware of the insane world we were living in. I was ready to trust home. Every vacation at school, I would fly to Hollywood and return with lots of cash. It was scorching. I met many celebrities, discovered they were a miserable group, and decided not to become an actor. I would finish high school and become a Man In the U.S. Army. Although my draft number was high, I decided to go to Veit Nam. At the last minute, it turned out that I had gone to Korea. The armies best keep secret. I was told. The Korean woman is beautiful. The food was bad. I almost brought home Candy. She had won my heart. I will have her picture in my album. She went home with a sarg I knew instead. I hope she had a good life. I had several serious injuries defending our country, and the VA knows about some. Too much can be overwhelming and create doubt.


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