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The difference cuases and why's of "Incest," "Pedofhilia:" " Rape," "Child Prostitution" and "Kidnapped and murdered Children." .

 Sex Crimes and sex, in general, are emotional. Sex Happens in four ways, Per the conditions of existence. They are 1. self-love, 2. sex and marriage, and 3. casual. 4. Anonymous. You must do these four before you marry. Why do husbands kill their wives when they find them cheating? The 5th condition is the body survival trait. The family is a larger body.5. Animal 6. Physical objects only with self. 7. spiritual rituals and marriage vocals and other churchy stuff. This is why there is so much talk about devil worshipping and sex. Totally harmless unless you believe it means more. 7. Is also the religious dynamic. Usually, forced sex on another is your ego. 8. god, you could live in a cave, eat rats, and not step on a bug for life, as Buddhists believe you are something special. Or till you get so stinky, no one will come close for you to grab. Or your body does not function because of the diet you eat. All forms of sex and hundreds of side dishes ( The different causes and why's of "Incest," "Pedofhilia:" "Rape," "Child Prostitution," and "Kidnapped and murdered Children." will fall into one of the four Dynamic conditions of existence. Questions like why do wives struggle not to yet cheat. Fourth condition: Men struggle with the fourth and drink, get drunk not to cheat, yet do not cheat. Drinking is 4th- taverns, fishing trips, casinos 3rd, and the drive to preserve the family 2nd. While deciding as a man 1st. Both trying to plug into the greater reality of humanity from the loss of this part of themselves. All are known as dynamic conditions of existence. Many wives cheat on the four conditions or dynamic conditions of existence. Where anonymous sex fits. Most one-night stands fall here as a fast-minute pick as will be. 1. Sex by self. The first sex most have unless they are molested by someone older. Called masturbation. Fooling around with close family when underage is 2. dynamic. Primarily harmless unless older family members force you to go the extra mile. Doing actual sex stuff. Otherwise, it is dry humping and clicking, Touching and feeling Growing as you get older to stroking and fingering. Regardless of popular belief, you will remember all childhood sexual experiences that are housed in a different part of the mind where it was being looked for during research. I was raped at 11 months and remember it well by a babysitter, cousin. Watch out for those sitters. Show them your granny cams and tell them you will be watching or you will not find out for 20 to 30 years. 3. Teenage love is 3rd dynamic sex. It is primarily fast to come and go. Although some can hang on to it for a lifetime and have it confuse their life. Puppy Love is its name for a reason: it is juvenile sex. Children will practice it. But usually, it is fast and lasts seconds. Most love to marriage is the second dynamic love. It is family love. It is personal love and closet to individual love for self. And all that families mean by today. Life is building futures and having kids. Today, men look at women from other countries 4th because local 3rds are not listening. It is the most vital type of sex, but it is far from all there is. These four dynamics go from one to four and have lines back and forth all over the place. When you are ready for an authentic lifetime love, stop looking and let the Universe send one to you on the 4th. Causing massive confusion and doubts about love. Those that have no sex are rare, regardless of what the catholic church tells you. I predict that at least 98% of both nuns- mostly with other nuns and priests with children and another priest. They are domed to control this natural urge of desire. It happens from the fifth or animal dynamic- the body dynamic. It is out of their control. So if your wife cheats, It is not about you but others. If a priest molests you or your child, it's about God. The 8th If about power, the 7th. Not much 6 dynamic sex unless you use toys only. Animal sex hugh in past history is more natural than anyone will tell you. All forms of sex are ok unless you hurt anyone. Use children where their minds have yet to fully develop and cross reference sex as having some sometimes unbelievable power. God complies with the state of arsenic and the One Wolf and Cereal rapest and Killer. It's not hurting its love in action. Rules to follow: Never have sex or talk with children who you are grooming, and against the law. Women say no, meaning yes. Use your best judgment and level those who cannot tell you what they want, let alone their unfinished people. All dynamics have several functions, like a Leg can walk you billions of places. A heart can beat for millions of reasons, or a mind can believe something for a single reason. They, therefore, must be lived, not worshiped or studied. Incest - is sex in the family between those within 4 or 5 years of each other. Larger ages are rape or pedophilia, even if a family member. Mostly harmless depends on the pressure to perform the time length and the deed is done. A Catholic Priest Rapes children for lack of certainty in his belief. One of the most damaging and long-term conditions changes one total outlook on life as religion is a 7th or high condition. What they do to you is less powerful than 5 conditions. Child Prostitution happens when the power of another source is present, like a Doctor or teacher, politician, or police officer. I was child raped by all these people. As well as with about twenty-five Catholic Preist by 18. Starting at nine with the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Religious rape of me and my Identical twin. Very powerful and lifetime changing & damaging. Incest may be more damaging, but it is tough to look at when poverty is the main cause. Donnie Harold Harris.

             Medically reviewed by Nancy Hammond, M.D. — Written by Ann Pietrangelo — Updated on February 5, 2024        

What is the difference between the right and left side of the brain?

The anatomy of the brain is complex. When people think of the left and right sides of the brain, they think of the two hemispheres that make up the cerebrum. The cerebrum controls many functionsTrusted Source, such as your senses, vision, memory, cognition, and hearing. The left side of the cerebrum is associated with trusted Source speech and processing language, while the right is associated with nonverbal memory and spatial awareness. The brain is divided into two halves, the right and left brain. Specific areas are responsible for different functions, but the brain works as a whole.      The human brain is an intricate organ. At approximately 2%

Trusted Source of your body weight contains about 85–100 billion neurons. It is a trusted source, and there are trillions of trusted sources of connections. Your brain is the command center. It is a trusted source for how you think and feel and what you do.

Your brain is divided into two halves. These two sides look very much alike, but there's a difference in how they process information. Within each half, particular regions manage certain functions.

There's a myth that suggests some people are left-brained while others are right-brained. This myth assumes that a person's motor, cognitive, and behavioral functions stem from the most dominant side of the brain.

It's estimated that 68%Trusted Source of the general population in the United States support neuromyths, including this one.

However, despite their contrasting styles, the two halves of your brain are connected by brain fibers and work together.

Keep reading to learn more about the left brain vs. right brain myth, the functions of each side, and tips to keep your brain healthy.

The theory that you're either left-brained or right-brained suggests that one side of your brain is more dominant.

This theory is based on the fact that the brain's two hemispheres function differently. Psychobiologist and Nobel Prize winner Roger W. Sperry's research first revealed this in the 1960s.

According to Sperry's dated research, the left brain and right sides of your brain help you with the following:

Left sideRight side
• logic
• sequencing
• linear thinking
• mathematics
• facts
• thinking in words
• imagination
• holistic thinking
• intuition
• arts
• rhythm
• nonverbal cues
• feelings visualization
• daydreaming

This suggests that the left brain is more verbal, analytical, and orderly than the right brain. It's sometimes called the digital brain because it's better at things like reading, writing, and computations.

On the other hand, the right brain is more visual, intuitive, and creative.

So, if you're primarily analytical and methodical, the theory suggests you're left-brained. If you tend to be more creative or artistic, you're right-brained.


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A team of neuroscientists set out to test the left brain vs. right brain hypothesis.

In a 2013 reviewTrusted Source, they found no proof that this theory is correct. Magnetic resonance imaging of 1,000 people revealed that the human brain doesn't favor one side over the other, nor are the networks on one side stronger than on the other.

Bundles of nerve fibers tie the two hemispheres together, creating an information highway. The two sides function differently, but they work together and complement each other. You don't use only one side of your brain at a time.

For example, the left brain has traditionally been associated with handling mathematical equations. However, a 2023review trusted Source suggests that the right hemisphere helps with:

  • spatial awareness during complicated calculations
  • understanding numbers that contain zeros
  • representing numbers nonverbally

Similarly, people credit the left brain with language processing. However, the authors of a 2020 review found that the right brain plays a crucial role in understanding context and non-literal language, such as metaphors and irony. They also suggest that the right brain's spatial awareness helps us understand and visualize language.

General personality traits, individual preferences, or learning styles don't mean you are left-brained or right-brained.

Still, certain areas of your brain do have specialties, though how each exact area functions may vary from person to person.

According to the Alzheimer's Society, keeping your brain and body active may have short—and long-term benefits for brain health. Here are some tips to help keep your brain sharp.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source also suggests the following tips to help maintain brain health:


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What is it like to be right-brained?

Some people say that if you're right-brained, you're moryou'retive, artistic, and intuitive. Each side of the brain is responsible for different functions, but research shows no "left-brained" or "right-brained" people exist. Some "people are m" re r "bust in the right" or left-brain functions.

What is the difference between the right and left side of the brain?

The anatomy of the brain is complex. When people think of the left and right sides of the brain, they think of the two hemispheres that make up the cerebrum. The cerebrum controls many functionsTrusted Source, such as your senses, vision, memory, cognition, and hearing. The left side of the cerebrum is associated with trusted Source speech and processing language, while the right is associated with nonverbal memory and spatial awareness.

What is left-brain thinking?

Left-brain thinking refers to people who may be more analytical, calculated, and orderly.

What is right-brain weakness?

According to the American Stroke Association Trusted Source, if the right side of your brain is affected, such as from a stroke, you may experience memory and vision problems, paralysis on the left side of your body, and some behavioral changes.

Whether you work out a complicated algebraic equation or paint an abstract art, both sides of your brain actively participate and provide input.

No one is genuinely left-brained or right-brained, but you can play to your strengths and continue broadening your mental horizons.

A typical, healthy brain is capable of lifelong learning and boundless creativity, mainly when fuelled by proper nutrition, physical exercise, and mental stimulation.

Explore online talk therapy  reviewed by Nancy Hammond, M.D.  Written by Ann Pietrangelo  Updated on February 5, 2024


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