In the year 9400 BC There was I.

 Long after, a small girl huddled herself into the Fire, discovering 56 things about it. Threw her will and senses alone, not her thinking mind. Mankind discovered Fire. That had been there all along. It took about 200,000 years to discover its secrets before all of Mankind began to walk, talk, and walk on water. We began noticing what each other ate, used, lived, and roamed at. When she jumped into the Fire, a few dozen body and mental signals fired off in her small Brain. Like an astronaut going into space for the first time.             Humankind had pulled a deer leg out of a lighting strike fire to eat. He eats the wolf or bison. He had other opposable eats. But nothing like this had happened to Mankind. Like the monkey on the beach washing off the sand until a hundred had, the world somehow knew what must be done as Humanity reached a higher state of survival. The powerful need to survive. L.R. Hubbard would famously say this is the basic impulse of Humanity. To Survive. Not only as a child, a mom, or a dad but as a tribe. A unit, a group. Us and Them. Those and those and us. The only separation was in other species and other breads of Humanity. The Nenauthaals.  Now, as the world goes insane as a whole, we think little girls are boys and little boys are girls, so we turn them into a new reality for us, not them. We started to cook our meat to kill the bacteria and other impurities we did not know, yet we did the right thing. This fire thing allows our eating function to recover and become more efficient, moving power to our new source of being our bain. Now, Mankind uses Pills and pots or a helpful social worker. It now would and could grow. Fast forward a hundred thousand-plus years. We discover Religion, an out of belief in the Unknown, the dark side of the moon. Dualism was discovered by Zoroastra long after that little girl led the way for Humanity with no fan far parade or pat on the back. She did what was the right thing to do for all, not herself. Mankind became whole again until he wanted my wife, and all hell broke loose as Humankind separated Woman from man. The second dynamic was born even though it was there all along, just like Fire. We build worlds to worship this drive. As intense as that little girl had discovered with the Fire. It was the basis of a new level of dreams. Dreams that we all, no matter our placement, could have. Our future selves would arrive by flight to ensure and pamper us until we had become self-aware. Appearing as Gods and masias and spiritual leaders of all kinds. The last notice was Mohammid. But he was not the last. Then, Like the left Brain, right brain / the male, female/ the child, the mom and dad/ the chief, and this event, we began to fight each other. A beginning to a new state of man. What do you mean I can no longer knock her in the head and drag her to my cave? We began to look far out into the heavens and inward into ourselves for direction and answers to what it all means. We seemed to be part of this living business. The ego would be developed alongside the Ruling class. We began to separate ourselves into small specialized groups. Let the games begin.         He has a crown, But I have freedom. So, rules and laws would become common. Ehtic, or what was right, became secondary, and laws were invented to control the crowd for the safety of the few. Wars would kill millions over a single girl. India had Arjuna, and Greece had Lillith. Some unexpected things happened. We were not aware that an asteroid damage nearly destroyed the world along with Humankind. Then it would happen. Humankind's first dreamer of dreams was so unusual that he would be jeopardized wherever he roamed. Zoroaster would dream of watching the Fire. He dreamed of millions of ways it would help Humankind of all kinds. Even the rocks and stones themselves are alive and flowing as heated rock called magma. Where new life would spring out after some time. They would wonder if there is this, is there that? and The Universe glorified him as The first aware man. This human was about 7500 years or so ago. After an event known collectively as The Yunger Dryuis event. Humanities dream had split into two beliefs. The Zoroastrians and the unbelievers or those that relied on brute force and domination. The man was strong, and the Woman was weak. A story would be presented: Adom was separated by a knife, and a rib was removed, creating the first Woman. A piece was about becoming a woman. Impossible physics would be the instrument. Waiting for Humanity to catch up and discover that a man emerges from the Woman. Not The other way around. Sex was impulse-driven, and what was even taking place? Eating a fish and getting a tummy ache was not a connected event. Zoroastra, like the young girl, would be Humand's next link to a fuller being. He realized some opposites created something else entirely. Is Religion Early Science?

Became widespread until it was dominated by those who wanted something new called power. Religion begot Science, Science begot Medicine, and Medicine addiction begot death. Medicine looks inward and outward to the degree Science was allowed by Religion at that time. We went into the dark ages, a group thing. The church and its new power were not to be messed with. Now, war is far removed from individual men's views, as Science throws Medicine at chemicals, needles, and doubts. Are we being altered to a slave solution? Are we being harvested in some way? Dualism is Humankind's Only hope of finding a future where there is none. There is the Now, a hell on earth. That is it. Until we created Heaven. to direct the traffic of Humanity along to a future dream. We give our power away to all those who try to stop us from our lives. There is a Justice system, a system so despicable that it is feared by every human on the planet. causing it into continuous existence. Viruses are Causing us to fear life itself because of our primary need to survive. 25 million died in the early 2020s as the world trembles in fear of death from COVID-19, and Millions lost from AIDS. Science needs a higher level of training. These scientists are not trained or created by man or the University but by experience. The great Unknown. It is weaponized to root out not viruses but classes of people. What would a world of only one belief be like??? Sterile. We are now in an insane phase to become a world of androgynous races. Test tube babies are the norm. Isolation and sterol. AI will replace us. We will become the Borg. Humanity is on the brink of a giant leap forward in understanding its place within the Universe. We cannot get there by any older means. Not by Powers of War, Beliefs, or Self Richiousness. Science will help but not get us all there. Medicine will ease our suffering when we fall and go boom. It is through collectively respecting all of life, and Yes, that means each other. Not war or walls or nukes will make us whole. Talk, Touch, Laugh, Dance, and be with one another. Dualism is not A to Z but A to B. Be kind to one another, especially those who are different than you. Or someone you do not know. The Younger Dyuis event caused the flood that watered down the world and had nothing to do with Humankind. Ethics or costume or beliefs. Even the Gods were unprepared for this tragedy because they are rare and possibly hundreds of thousands of years apart.               We have be removed from the surface of earths ground to under ground many times. It was an Astronomical event. No more than Global Warming has now. The frightened few want the world to suffer as they crucially build personal bunkers for the misunderstanding of the whole. Like any snake, it will need to be removed from the cave so Humankind can rebuild. A shore story to control, not just the masses, but all the masses only or for personal power. Everyone knows that Mommy can kiss any bo-bo away, and it gets better. That placebo of Momma created Science like a baby; she made a higher state for Humankind through touch, Not sound, taste, or lies. When a government does not disclose to its people, that civilization is on the way out. The men used Science as Medicine and warped it into Medicine as the power to control all life. The Phyciastric Doctor was born to mimic the priest with their nuns called Social Workers. This current war Israel started is why Israel attacked and destroyed Hammas Hospital. They have yet to be held accountable for their assault in New York. But the event only went after a particular group of people, Muslims. A wrong target at that time. The future of Humanity is what is up for grabs. Can a toenail control a whole body? You had better believe it can. Therefore, I postulate the children will set us free. Also, Why Isreal is Killing children Before they become self-aware? Oh yes, there is a back story that is yet to be told. Ask any child what he wants for the future. A fear-free home and family. A nation and world in common beliefs unlike those of Relion Science or War. The main points are children first, moms second, dads third, and families fourth. Then, everyone else. In 200,000 years, Humanity has become the right Brain while weak on the left side. While leaving people's bodies behind. Billionaires watch as children beg and sleep on the streets. A small pond is different than an ocean. Both water from the same rain. Wars were there. We had none before. Medicines are Unexplained and deadly or crippling to some. False medical beliefs without outside inspections. Known collectively as second opinions. Our future will and must be decided by a child. An incredible being of unknown source of power. A dreamer and creator (collective cause and effect) simultaneously. Yes, I got my duality in there.


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